Alan Gouk Death of a Salesman


As the art school celebrated its 70th Anniversary year, British abstract painters Frank Bowling RA OBE, Alan Gouk, Francisco Gazitua FRSS and Dolorosa Sinaga became our first artist patrons since Henry Moore in 1947.


As a registered UK charity HSoA is governed by a board of trustees which is responsible for the financial and legal probity of the school’s activities.

Julia Simpson

Chair of Trustees

Reg Boorer


Cynthia Barlow OBE


Nicky Auburry


Robert Goodall



Isabel H Langtry

“I am delighted to be leading an art school that makes such a valuable contribution to lifelong learning. Hampstead School of Art is all about the wonder of learning and the impact learning and making art has in developing personal potential and creating new opportunities."

See full profile
Isabel H Langtry with Sculpture Picassos Petals in white

Support Staff

Our office-based team are the linchpin of the school. They are responsible for the day-to-day operations, and are the first point of contact for students.

Yusuf Lunat

Executive Bursar

Anat Altarace Sherman

Director of the Art School

Sabe Moss

Graphics Communication