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Essential Skills in Painting and Drawing

Essential Skills in Painting and Drawing

Drawing, mixing of colour and handling of paint are taught through painting from observation and imagination. Sketchbooks are recomended to explore enthusiasms, interests, research and develop ideas. Experimenting with traditional and contemporary media and processes. Imaginative and self-motivated work is encouraged in order to build a portfolio of coursework. Each student is encouraged to be independent and confidently creative. Context and inspiration are provided through the parallel study of the history of art if wished.

(Painting by Matt Phillips)

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Mick Kirkbride

Painter and teacher Mick Kirkbride is a graduate of the Royal Academy Schools (1992-1995). He was Senior Lecturer in Visual Studies at the London College of Fashion, University of the Arts from 1996 to 2011. In 2004 he was elected a member of The New English Art Club, becoming the Curator of its education programme in 2014 teaching a range of drawing classes at both The Mall Galleries Learning Centre and Heatherley’s School of Art. Mick has taught drawing and painting at all levels including postgraduate. For the past four years he has led a series of life-drawing classes and specialist workshops for the Royal Academy of Arts’ Academic Programme.

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Mick Kirkbride