Duration: 0 Days
Date: Sat 27 Jul - Sat 27 Jul, 2019
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Price: £100.00
This workshop will explore some of the methods of surface decoration of fired ceramic sculpture. Students will learn about the chemicals used and have a chance to experiment on a set of tiles which they can keep as well as patinate a finished sculpture of their own.
Each student should bring:
- 4 clean glass jars with screw-top lids
- Selection of old/used brushes
- Tubes of student quality oil paint (selection of your choice of colours)
- A notebook
- Rags
- A finished ceramic sculpture to patinate
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Spring Term | 6 January - 6 April
Half Term | 17-23 February
Easter | 7 - 13 April
Summer Term | 14 April - 13 July
Half Term | 16 May - 1 June
Fine art studios, a sculpture & ceramics studio, life drawing room, printmaking, silk painting and jewellery making facilities, dedicated studio spaces for Foundation & Advanced Course students, galleries and cafe.
View our events calendar for a month-by-month guide to events throughout the year.