Hampstead School of Art is a self-funding, non-profit making, community art education charity
Fees are payable in advance in full and are non-refundable. Purchased classes cannot be changed nor can they be sold on. In exceptional circumstances of a refund, card charges will be taken into account.
Payments can be made online or call 020 7794 1439- HSoA Team will be happy to help.
Credits for missed classes are not available.
Unless otherwise stated, classes are suitable for all levels.
Several courses are especially designed for beginners.
The art school does not accept liability for loss or damage to materials or artwork left in the School. Belongings are left at the students’ own risk.
Drying racks are limited in size and number. The art school can not guarantee space for your work to be left to dry between classes. The art school cannot accommodate canvases larger than A1 or 60x84cm unless given written permission by the Principal.
For Health & Safety volatile solvents (e.g. white spirit, turpentine, acetone) are not permitted for use within the art school.
For ceramics classes, the art school aims to provide two stoneware firings a term. The size of fired artwork is limited to no larger than 30x20cm.
The art school will fire only claywork created at the art school, during class hours, with clay that the art school purchased.
The art school cannot accept responsibility for any accident or mishap subject to anything in the general law to the contrary.
In cases of national importance, Government Guidelines will be followed.
Course prices are correct at the time of publication.
Changes to courses, studio allocation, staffing, and/or other activities, including exhibitions, are made at the Principal’s and Trustees' discretion.
Please inform the art school's office if you or your child have a medical condition that we need to be aware of.
HSoA reserves the right to cancel, combine or reschedule courses or substitute tutors as necessary.
Students agree to the HSoA Student Charter on registration.
Respect between all parties is of the utmost importance, derogatory, disruptive and negative behaviour will not be tolerated.
We welcome diversity as a source of strength.
We will enable students to study to the best of their potential.
If wished, we are happy to advise students about which of our courses would best meet their objectives.
We will tell students the cost of courses. All courses are offered to students at a competitive price.
Studios are set up by the art school technicians before each session for safety reasons and in line with the art school policy students are unable to gain entry to studios until 10 minutes before the session starts and only when the tutor is present and students are not able to stay beyond the session finish time.
Appropriate health & safety equipment is supplied. Always make sure that you use it as directed by your tutor.
Mobile phones should be switched off during sessions.
Your tutor will ask you to tidy up just before the end of class. Please ensure that the studio is left clean and tidy for the next class.
Eating or drinking is not permitted in the studios.
If you are unavoidably late on occasion please join the class after break time if you are joining a Life class, persistent lateness is disruptive and cannot be tolerated.
Please name every piece of work including sketchbooks, so that you will be able to track your progress, and we will hopefully be able to reunite you with your work if it gets mislaid.
Lockers can be hired on a termly basis and must be left empty at the end of term, the art school will remove locks from any lockers which do not comply.
There is a complaints procedure; please ask in the art school office or send a written request.
In exceptional circumstances where refunds are authorised by the Trustees, charges will be taken into account.
Processing any request may take at least 5 working days.
Isabel H Langtry Principal And the Trustees of Hampstead School of Art Registered Charity No.1072327 www.hsoa.co.uk